Friday, June 19, 2015

apple white

i'm on top and you're on bottom
of this bunk bed we've been assigned
and i've stilled my hand
to keep from starting over at square one
i don't admit that i imagine climbing
down to slide your purple shroud
ever so slowly to the side
to encompass you before the brink;
to Just Do It

hailing a different ride,
we ate the applesauce of knowledge
serial eyeglasses wrapped snug in their lanyards
just within our reach
as if this were a procedure we'd wake from,
grasping for clarity

that i've got
somehow in the denied human itch to crawl;
suspended, swimming amniotic
and exit bags prove further blurs but
i'm running while lying perfectly still

you know me by a new name
member of the Away Team
in my Nike Decades
these leagues and leagues

behind me
reporting fresh faced for duty
with a toll of five and change
catching a comet by its tail
under my lashes will be reported on the evening news
as stay tuned white
while my last breaths bloomed violet here
imagining unwrapping sort of sleepily
your present form
beneath me from
its cloak of anonymity

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